Wednesday, March 30, 2011

New home!

I'm finally moving out!  As of April 9th, I will no longer be renting a room inside a house, but rather a one bedroom apartment all to myself.  I am sooo very excited to move out, while also very nervous.  My contract work could end at any time so I'm taking a huge leap of faith that I'll be ok.  I've made some major progress in reducing my debt so if worse comes to worse, I can pay minimums on my monthly debt rather than what I have been doing.

I'm also slightly worried with how I'll handle being by myself for most of the time.  In all my life, I've lived with someone else.  I've never lived completely alone.  A couple of years ago, this would not have been a good idea in the least.  But I'm confident it's the right decision now and I'm happy I've made it.

I've been so excited, I've even thought of a quick list of great things I'm looking forward to as the move-in day gets closer.

Top 10 Reasons I Will Love My New Apartment

I won't be completely embarrassed or held back from inviting a girl to my place, rather than to my room.

I can lounge in my underwear. I suppose I could've done that before, but that would've made my housemates very uncomfortable.

It'll be my TV in the living room with my recorded shows. And I'll get to watch them on a couch instead of from a bed.

Since my TV will be in a living room and not a bedroom, I'll have room for Rock Band! (And a Kinect if the games get a whole lot better).

I'll have a 24 hour fitness center to work on my cardio. It's midnight and I feel like getting some stress out of my system by walking? No problem. Mosey on down to the fitness center feeling safe and secure during my walk.

I can leave the door open when I shower so it won’t be hot and steamy in the bathroom to the point I'm sweating buckets by the time I'm done shaving.

No more stairs!!! Walking upstairs after a workout and, well, just in general pretty much sucks.

My own kitchen! Gas stove! My own kitchenware! I can stock the pantry, freezer and fridge FULL of what I want. Costco, here I come again.

Air conditioning any time I want! As cold as I want!

My parents will get to come visit me.  They haven't been down to California in about 7 years. I'll finally have a place where they can stay with no concern for sharing a bathroom or kitchen, or whether or not they'll be too loud for my roommates.

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