Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Another bet… also a workout boast

So apparently, the challenge/gambling nature in me is still ever present.

A couple of weeks ago, a friend of mine and I were having drinks at a bar where our mutual friend bartends.  All three of us workout at the same gym, Crossfit714.  Somehow it came up in conversation between my friend and I that another challenge between us needed to be made.  At first I declined.  The last challenge was $200 toward a trip to Vegas for the most body fat percentage lost over 3 months.  We both did horrible at the challenge, but I did worse.  And I knew I could've done better.  I didn't want to spend that kind of money again.  Although I didn't mind putting up some kind of money.  That should motivate me right?

I'm not sure which one of us thought of it, but we decided to make the challenge—who does more WODs (Workout Of the Day) from that day until May 7th (which is my friend’s birthday).  I think I came up with the specific bet because my friend hadn't been going in about three weeks and I had gone at least once a week. I thought it might give me a slight edge because he's been worried about hurting his back and wrists to the point of not showing up to WODs.

But...  He decided to ask our mutual bartender friend into the challenge.  These two have been members at the gym since early November.  Bartender friend has been going 3 times a week consistently, not missing a class, except for about a week and a half when she hurt her rib.  Other than that, she's been unstoppable.  My friend said, "Then this should be good motivation for the both of us."  FUCK THAT.  But I accepted the challenge.  I will try.  And if I lose, I'm only doing my body a favor by exercising, even if it feels tortuous while I'm doing it.  And I can still have an advantage.  My bartender friend says she can only go Monday, Wednesday and Friday and not Tuesdays and Thursdays (even though our bet was made on a Tuesday and she had gone that morning to make up for the Monday she missed).  I go in the morning before work so theoretically I can go every day. That gives me a potential two extra days over her every week.  Now, it means I have to beat my other friend since he works from home and could go every day and more than once a day if he wants.  The other kicker to the bet—Bartender friend had gone to her WOD that day we started the bet, so she was automatically one day up on us.

And that leads me to my rave instead of a rant this time.  I'm SO proud of myself for going FOUR times a week for the past two weeks. I'm sore as hell and I don't see any weight coming off yet, but I'm so glad I went.  Now, I think the bet has only served as a catalyst for me to go to Crossfit with such a goal.  It’s more about trying to create a habit so that going 3 to 4 times a week in the morning becomes routine for me.

At this point [edit: as of yesterday], I'm one WOD ahead of bartender friend and tied with my other friend.  This bet makes me a winner even if I don't win the bet itself. Despite getting up 2 hours earlier than I normally do, I'm feeling great during the day and I'm in a much better mood.  Don't worry though.  Things and people still piss me off, so there will be rants.

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