Sunday, March 27, 2011

This won’t be funny to you…

Until I can put some of my ranting thoughts in order, I’m posting some of my old “blogs” from the MySpace days. Considering they’re more than 2 or 3 years old, they’re quite outdated. They’re also pretty ridiculous in nature—so not much different than now.

Originally posted on MySpace December 15, 2008

But it's funny to me (and Amber since I stole it from her blog).  None of the names have been changed so no innocent is protected.

Albert: what are you guys going to order tonight?
(2:30:58 PM) Amber: steak
(2:31:11 PM) Amber: : D
(2:31:20 PM) Amber: don't know what kind yet.
(2:32:08 PM) Albert: No Rules Pasta
Grilled shrimp, scallops or chicken breast. Served over fettuccine with a Parmesan cream sauce.
(2:32:20 PM) Darrin: steak with steamed veggies, hold the carrots.
(2:32:25 PM) Darrin: side salad with ranch, hold the red onions.
(2:32:39 PM) Darrin: hot waitress, hold my johnson
(2:40:52 PM) Darrin: tough crowd.
(2:43:35 PM) Albert: I like my women like my crowds. Tough and numerous.
(2:45:12 PM) Amber: they have pasta?
(2:45:51 PM) Albert: Yes.
(2:46:06 PM) Amber: mm
(2:47:11 PM) Darrin: the only entree i've had that wasn't steak there was the alice springs chicken.
(2:47:17 PM) Darrin: which was good.
(2:47:27 PM) Darrin: but it's outback the steakhouse, not outback the pollopen.
(2:47:45 PM) Albert: i've never had their steak.
(2:47:48 PM) Darrin: so i can haz stekz
(2:47:57 PM) Amber: I'm getting steak
(2:48:02 PM) Darrin: I'm getting steak
(2:48:03 PM) Amber: usually get the outback combo
(2:48:11 PM) Darrin: w/ shrimp?
(2:48:16 PM) Amber: no
(2:48:18 PM) Darrin: w/ lobster
(2:48:19 PM) Darrin: ?
(2:48:24 PM) Darrin: w/ pancakes?
(2:53:52 PM) Albert: wow, tough crowd.
(2:54:11 PM) Amber: haha
(2:54:16 PM) Amber: with steak!!
(2:54:20 PM) Amber: jesus
(2:54:43 PM) Amber: + a baked potato and a caesar salad
(2:55:32 PM) Albert: any appetizers????? enquiring minds want to know.
(2:55:34 PM) Amber: crimany
(2:55:47 PM) Albert: fast response there
(2:56:03 PM) Amber: it was sent before yours showed up
(2:56:12 PM) Albert: crimany
(2:56:23 PM) Amber: im dying laughing again
(2:56:35 PM) Darrin: wait you're getting an outback combo of steak + steak? what kind of combo is that?
(2:56:36 PM) Albert: I have that affect on the world.
(2:56:45 PM) Albert: meatlover combo
(2:56:48 PM) Amber: lolol
(2:56:53 PM) Amber: both of you
(2:56:56 PM) Amber: jeeez
(2:56:59 PM) Albert: speaking of meat lovers. Where's Jaron?

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