Sunday, March 27, 2011

Forwarded emails… from my mom.

I love my mom dearly. I'm a mama's boy to the core. All the good personality traits I have come from her.  There was even a time when I would not take lightly any “mama jokes” about my mom.  I took it personally as a blow of disrespect. (If you do know my mom or have met her, I still will!) But the frequency at which she forwards emails to me has become increasingly irritating.  I've already once told her that I don't look at half of the stuff she forwards me because it's not as interesting to me as it is to her and/or it's simply garbage stuff she's sending (urban legends, propoganada, etc.).  

I'll backtrack to the origin of this rant first.  It started with the thought, "preaching to the choir."  My mom has been deaf nearly her entire life.  She didn't even learn commonly used sign language (ASL) until she was about 8. Deaf society and culture was much different and treated much differently when my mom was growing up. Education for the deaf was institutionalized rather than integrated. So written sarcasm or cliché phrases like "preaching to the choir" don't always make sense to her, at least not without further explanation.

Back to the forwarded emails. Fond as I am of trivia games, I don't find "interesting facts about" whatever to be as interesting as my mom thinks they are.  And a good portion of the time, they're not facts at all.  She also sends me political emails from parties that promote their own agenda with major embellishments and skewed statistics.  But a majority of the emails lately seem to be religious—Powerpoint presentations of beautiful scenery tagged with verses from the Bible, anecdotes of Jesus' time on earth, even emails that predict end times based on current events and tragedies.  I don't need to see any of those.  Although there are many questions I still have (and admittedly remain ignorant about), I'm already a "believer," mom.  I don't need my inbox spammed with the very thing I'm already familiar with. In other words, you're preaching to the choir. I don't need to be converted.  It's done. 

I'm almost at the point where I want to set up a Gmail filter to tag anything with a "FWD" in the subject line from her and trash it.  Or maybe label it and archive it so I can review once a week to see if she added any of her own thoughts into the email to which I may need to respond. But usually it’s, "Interesting. Have you heard about these?"  No, mom. And I don't really want to take the time to find out if any of it's true because your sources suck. And mom? Please learn to remove the other headers from your forwarded emails so when I forward you something truly of value, people don't get my email address and send me the same thing you're forwarding me.  Thanks.  I love you!

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