Sunday, March 6, 2011

Retarded bet/I win! (two blogs in one, and an addendum)

Until I can put some of my ranting thoughts in order, I’m posting some of my old “blogs” from the MySpace days. Considering they’re more than 2 or 3 years old, they’re quite outdated. They’re also pretty ridiculous in nature—so not much different than now.

Part 1 “Retarded Bet”
Originally posted on MySpace November 22, 2006

Working in the IT department, where nerds abound, I've met a few of the most athletic or at least sports-involved people I know. Partly due to that fact it seems our department is pretty competitive, especially when wagers are involved. People bet on everything. There's the Bills vs. Raiders pizza party bet from last year, there's our version of the Biggest Loser where we have two teams competing to lose the most percentage of body weight. The prize of course... lunch paid for by the losers (losers of the bet, not losers of the weight). Heck, I've even bet 11 pennies just to see if an incoming phone call was going to be someone calling in sick for the day. There's even been games of chance--heads vs. tails--to determine if someone might be coming out for Happy Hour.

Well now the latest wager is who's going to grow longer hair: Me or Richard. The bet is simple. We both just let our hair grow. Whoever cuts it first loses and has to buy lunch for the winner and the two witnesses of the bet. The loser ALSO has to completely shave his facial hair (eyebrows excluded). That's where the bet turns dangerous for me. For Richard, I don't think that's a big deal, since he pretty much keeps his facial hair to a shadow. It's bad business for me. It's obvious I'd be sporting a bare double-chin with my adorably chubby face if I lose this bet . But it's worse than that. I've had a goatee continuously for eight years now. I would say not more than 5% of my close friends know or remember what I look like without a goatee. Believe me, it's better that way. Thanks to genetics and my dad's side of the family, I've got quite a distinguishable chin. To put it one way, if I wore a suit in high school, I was mistaken for Jay Leno. So for me to win this bet is more than just a free lunch. I cannot and will not allow Richard to win. Past friendly bets have shown that Richard will give up and shave his head before he grows even an inch of hair. But now there's money on the line and a little bit of embarrassment, so we'll see how serious this will get.

Since Richard's head is currently shaved and my hair was a little shaggy, I was allowed a "reset" to cut my hair short for this bet. I've done that today, so the competition is on.

Here's a picture of my hair now. We'll see if Richard doesn't shave his head before I post another pic sometime in the next month or so.


Part 2 “Retarded Bet”
Originally posted on MySpace January 16, 2007

I win!!! See my other blog about the stupid hair bet I made. Today, I received a message on my phone showing Richard with a shaved head and shaved-off beard. That means free lunch for me and I keep my facial hair! Here's a pic of how long my hair got. It didn't really get THAT long and you can't tell much by this picture since I wore a hat all day today.


Addendum, Added today

I actually kept growing my hair out with no goal. Just kept growing it. It eventually grew as long as what you see in the pic below, around June 2007. I only had it cut after this pic because my ex begged I get it cleaned up before her cousin’s wedding I was to attend.


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