Monday, March 21, 2011

Childhood landscape changed. :(

Until I can put some of my ranting thoughts in order, I’m posting some of my old “blogs” from the MySpace days. Considering they’re more than 2 or 3 years old, they’re quite outdated. They’re also pretty ridiculous in nature—so not much different than now.

Originally posted on MySpace October 27, 2008

Not very long ago, the city came and cut down the trees in my parents' front yard.  Apparently they grew tired of trimming the trees that grew around the power lines and just decided to cut them all the way down and kill the roots.

It's not really that big a deal, except that these trees were a part of my childhood playground.  These were two big Evergreens that created a kind of lair in between the two trees.  It was like a shelter.  The branches of the trees spread out and spiraled up like a staircase, so climbing pretty high in the tree was pretty easy and of course death-defying for a little kid.

So I guess this is just to show my friends on my MySpace who grew up with me hiding under, climbing up, and peeing on these trees that the landscape has changed.

Just like every time I go back up to Seattle and see new places pop up and old places torn down, it was strange seeing these trees gone from my parents' house when I visited back in September.

Here are pics to see how it's different now.




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