Thursday, May 5, 2011

A review of the Top 10 Reasons I was Going to Love My Apartment

I've lived in my apartment for three weeks now.  There are definitely things I needed to get used to—noisy neighbors, noisy shopping center across the street, worried about being too noisy for those below me—but I'm already feeling at home.

I wrote Top Ten Reasons I Will Love my Apartment before I moved in.  Let's see if those reasons have stood legit:

I won't be completely embarrassed or held back from inviting a girl to my place, rather than to my room.

Hmm. Haven't really done this yet, but my apartment is still a little scattered.  I wasn't really able to unpack much the first week because I had plans to go out every night that week.  Now's it's just a matter of organizing the mess I have left.  I’m also in no hurry to do this. I just like that I could if the opportunity ever arose.

I can lounge in my underwear. I suppose I could've done that before, but that would've made my housemates very uncomfortable.

Check.  Well sort of.  It's not loungin' but I have no problem walking to the kitchen in my underwear to get a glass of water.  And I sleep naked in bed much more often than I used to.  Sorry for the gross visual, but it's true.

It'll be my TV in the living room with my recorded shows. And I'll get to watch them on a couch instead of from a bed.

Check.  In fact, I've probably done a little too much TV watching since I've moved in.  I'm even discovering new shows, as if I should make time to watch them.  Last Friday was the first night since I've moved in that I started reading my book again.

Since my TV will be in a living room and not a bedroom, I'll have room for Rock Band! (And a Kinect if the games get a whole lot better).

Haven't done this yet, but it'll happen soon enough.  I hooked up the Xbox last week, but I still have to hook up the surround sound speakers to the TV. It's time to test the loudness threshold my neighbors will have.

I'll have a 24 hour fitness center to work on my cardio. It's midnight and I feel like getting some stress out of my system by walking? No problem. Mosey on down to the fitness center feeling safe and secure during my walk.

I've only been down to the fitness center once since I've moved in, but it sure is nice.  The cardio equipment even syncs up with my heart rate monitor and can download progress to my iPod.  Pretty nifty!

I can leave the door open when I shower so it won’t be hot and steamy in the bathroom to the point I'm sweating buckets by the time I'm done shaving.

I don't even have to do this.  It doesn't get that steamy in the bathroom since it's a fairly large bathroom. Plus, the bathroom exhaust fan does a good job of keeping the steam to a minimum. At worst, I can crank the air conditioning and stand right in front of a vent to cool down.

No more stairs!!! Walking upstairs after a workout and, well, just in general pretty much sucks.

Check.  I love this.  My parking space is in the parking structure on the same floor as my apartment.  That means no climbing stairs with excruciating pain after a Crossfit workout.  It also means no bird crap on my car, no moving my car due to street sweepers and my car is constantly shaded.  Bonus!

My own kitchen! Gas stove! My own kitchenware! I can stock the pantry, freezer and fridge FULL of what I want. Costco, here I come again.

Check! You bet I went to Costco the first week after I moved in!  I've already cooked more meals since I've lived in this apartment in the past three weeks than I have in the past 6 months of living in the old house.  On the other hand, with no stairs to separate me from the fridge, it's a lot easier to raid the fridge when I'm bored.  Gotta be careful of over-snacking.  And I still don't have any real plates yet.

Air conditioning any time I want! As cold as I want!

Check.  It's polar icecap cold in my apartment, bitches. And it's perfect that my couch is positioned right where one of the vents blow the cool air.  HEAVEN!  But I'm a little worried what the amount of my first electric bill will be.

My parents will get to come visit me.  They haven't been down to California in about 7 years. I'll finally have a place where they can stay with no concern for sharing a bathroom or kitchen, or whether or not they'll be too loud for my roommates.

I've already proposed the idea to my parents and they're as excited about it as I am.  They'll probably come down for the holidays, which also means I can decorate for Christmas if I want.  Joy to the world and joy to my apartment, too!

I’d say I love my apartment so far.  I’m really happy that I’m living in a place of my own.  It still feels odd at times. And there have already been moments when I feel extremely lonely and really want some social interaction with a friend. I expect that to happen occasionally though, so it’s not something I dwell upon.  It’s all the more reason to read a book or use the fitness center anyway.  It feels good to have my own space.  It’s a huge boost to my confidence to have my own place.

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