Monday, May 23, 2011

Electric bill

Since I've moved into my apartment, I've used the air conditioning excessively, absolutely more than necessary.  I like it cold, but I haven't needed it to be cold.  And despite the cool weather we've had in general over the past month, I've still been running the air conditioner very cold, often forgetting to raise the temperature or turn it off when I leave the apartment. (I know, bad environmentalist!)  In the very small recess of my mind that discerns reason from instant and selfish gratification, I was a bit worried about what my first electric bill might look like.

I received it Friday.

$50.  Fifty dollars.  That's probably less than the one-fourth portion of the electric bill I paid during any summer month at the house I used to live in and was miserable most of my time spent at home due to the cool air dissipating too quickly in the heat.  I'm living in total comfort now and paying the same amount.  I. Am. Happy.

Happy to live where I'm in more control of my living environment.

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