Thursday, January 20, 2011

Mercedes drivers drive like douche bags

More often than not when a motorist has cut me off, nearly run me over, stole a parking spot from me, or just about any other offensive behavior they can display while in a vehicle, it's been by someone driving a Mercedes-Benz. They drive like they own the road and everyone else is inferior to them.

Yesterday, all of the below offenses were taken.

  • As I walking from a parking lot across the thoroughfare to enter a building, a Mercedes braked hard immediately to my right as if they had just noticed I was walking across and then they acted annoyed by it. My friend last night told me that he nearly got ran over on the crosswalk to the restaurant where were meeting... by a Mercedes.
  • As I was driving on the freeway, a Mercedes cut me off as they apparently suddenly realized they were in an exit only lane that was clearly marked for what I'd say was at least 200 yards. This incidence happens quite frequently.
  • When I was searching for a parking spot last night, I came upon a group of people getting into a car. It seemed the car had started, as the illumined taillights had indicated. I sat patiently waiting for the car to back out. At least three minutes went by (an entire song played on my iPod) before I gave up waiting for that spot because another group of people got in their car and promptly backed out. The first group of bitches got into a Mercedes. The other group of citizens, a Honda.

I'm not saying that no other manufacturer of a vehicle has its rude drivers. Inconsiderate drivers are everywhere. But it's so frequent that Mercedes drivers seem to be the worst offenders when it comes to bad driving behavior. If you drive a Mercedes, I don't care if you're my best friend, my soulmate, or Jesus. Do not expect me to be courteous to you on the road. Do not expect me to politely let you move into the lane in front of me. DO expect that during traffic, I will have no problem wedging myself in front of you in your lane. Why? Because your kind has set the precedent. Learn the Golden Rule, Mercedes douche bags. You've done this unto others for far too long, and it's my turn to do it back to you.

1 comment:

  1. Love your article.

    Narcissists are shallow, social climbing, selfish assholes. Narcissists drive Mercedes Benzes.

    Google "Narcissistic Personality Disorder".
