Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Not everyone can be a landlord

I don't want my rants to become personal, but I am really sick of how this person goes about certain things.  This person is my current landlord, who is also a housemate.  She is not fit to be a landlord.  She really isn't even the landlord per se.  She's more like the watchdog of the house.  Her dad is the real landlord since he sets all the rules.  

I've rented for the past 13 years and lived in 7 different places in those 13 years.  Only once before have I had a landlord who did not understand, or maybe didn't care, to treat tenants with respect and diligence.

Here's a recent example and the timeline.  Monday night I buy groceries, quite a bit.  Tuesday morning I receive an email from the landlord/housemate that the kitchen counter tops will be tore out and replaced for two weeks, effective that day.  Nothing happens.  This morning as I go downstairs, I'm greeted by the landlord's dad who has informed me that the sink and stove will be unusable during the whole time the counter tops will be replaced.  So all those groceries I bought?  Yeah, gotta prep and/or clean them in the bathroom sink upstairs.  Had I known that, I would not have purchased any groceries except the microwaveable dishes.  I perhaps should have expected it, but a bit more advanced notice is not unreasonable.

Here's another rant/exmaple:  I rent a room.  I get privileges to the garage where the washer/dryer are, and I get kitchen privileges and storage.  But my rent is not a part of the whole.  In other words, it's not like the four people in this house split the rent four ways.  Each person pays rent for their room. Therefore, the rest of the house is not my responsibility.  The outside of the house is not my responsibility.  The house "belongs" to my landlord.  So why should I be paying for a gardener?  I do.  And that was also without any advance notice.  One day, when my landlord emailed us about our portion of the utilities, out of nowhere she included the cost of the gardener.  I've never had to pay for landscaping at any of the places I've lived, especially for places where I rented a room and the landlord lived with me.  I'm not saying it's unfair.  I do think it's unusual.  But I didn't appreciate the last minute nature of it all.  I basically view it as an increase in the rent.

These are just two examples of the way my landlord "forgets" to let us know about changes to the household until the event occurs.  And it drives me nuts.  This is why I really, REALLY need to get a place of my own.  Of course, I'm bound to the rules of the next place I rent, but in my experience, at least the management understands landlord/tenant relations.

I have other examples (like getting a pipsqueak annoying dog without telling me after I signed the rental agreement, but before I moved in), but I think I'd rather just enjoy some time reading right now.

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