Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sundays are not always fun days.

I usually hate Sundays. Typically, I sleep in until close to noon, wasting a good portion of my daylight on sleep.  Today, I woke up at 8am only to lay back down in bed at 11 and sleep until 2pm. I love sleep, but I also feel disappointment in letting a part of my day idly slip away.  I usually get nothing done during the day because I feel more tired having overslept.  I may meet a friend for lunch or dinner, but usually it feels like a non-social day.

I just finished spending over 3 hours rebuilding my media server.  It's almost 10pm and I'm ready to go get dinner and have a few drinks, but I know that's a bad idea.

For some reason, after it gets dark (or more likely closer to midnight) I seem to have the most energy to be productive.  This sucks, because I cannot do anything noisy after about 9pm thanks to the light-sleeping housemate/landlord in the bedroom below mine.  It also means I shouldn't be staying up late anyway since I have to get up to start my work week in the morning.

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