Friday, January 14, 2011

My Resolve

A little late already, but here are my New Year resolutions for 2011.

Resolution #1:  Read more books.

In 2009, I started reading books at what was a pretty good pace for me.  I'm a slow reader, so when it comes to reading books, it takes me some time.  Time during which nothing else gets done.  I can't really multi-task while doing it, and so I can't watch movies or listen to new music while I read.  However, I watched entirely too much Netflix last year, and I'm certain some brain cells died because of it.  So this year I need to read more.  Last year I'm not sure I finished more than four books.  AND one of those books was one I've read before.  It was The Eye of the World from the Wheel of Time series.  I've re-sparked my desire to finish that series (or at least get caught up).  The last book I finished when I first picked up the series was mid-way through book 6 I think, about 10 years ago.  And because it had been that long ago, I felt I needed to re-read those books to remember what's going on.  Anyway, this year I have a goal to finish at least 10 books, half of them being fiction. (I read a lot of self-help books... Not just "what's wrong with me?" books, but organizational and finance books, etc.)

Resolution #2:  Reduce the clutter in my life.

The first half of last year, not only did I watch a lot of Netflix, but I played a lot of video games.  That's another thing that limits my multi-tasking abilities, especially if the game has a good storyline that requires my attention (so no music playing in the background while I play the game).  Again, I was giving myself less time for productive things, like keep a clean room whatsoever.  My bedroom looked like a pigsty for most of 2010.  The fact I had no girlfriend coming over after we broke up attributed to that, I'm sure.  This year, I really intend to reduce the clutter.  I'm going to maintain a clean desk space, clean out my closet, and even clean out my pantry.  I don't think I'll be using that lamb curry marinade packet any time soon or ever, so it might as well be given/thrown away.  Not that I'll be living any kind of nomadic lifestyle, but I want to definitely want to reduce my possessions to where I could up and move fairly quickly if I ever wanted or needed to.

Resolution #3:  Lose weight. 

Duh.  Is that really any secret?  I'm fat.  I'm over 300 lbs.  I’m technically “morbidly obese.”  I should be under 200 lbs for my body-frame according to one of the last doctors I had.  So yeah.  I need to get to that before I have a heart-attack.  A recent visit to a doctor proved that I had very high blood pressure.  High enough that he gave me a dose of medicine in the office right there to bring it down.  He said I'm at risk for a stroke if I don't bring down my blood pressure.  So this year, I joined a Crossfit gym and I plan on going three times a week.

Resolution #4:  Eat healthier. 

This isn't going to come easy.  And really, it's not so much about eating healthy, as it is about eating healthier.  I need to reduce my portions.  I need to increase nutritious foods in my diet.  I know I'm not going to eat completely healthy.  It just won't happen.  And with Crossfit, that would be too much change at once overwhelming me.  I figure as I get into the exercise routine, my mind will naturally be more aware of the food I'm putting in my body.

Resolution #5:  Get some sleep!

I have a very hard time forcing myself to go to sleep at a reasonable hour.  It’s very typical for me to stay up near 2am on a weeknight and have to get up by 7am.  And starting Crossfit this year with the intention of going before work, requiring me to be up before 6am, I really need to get to bed before midnight every night.

Resolution #6:  Wear my retainer.

Yeah, it’s a bit random, but still a resolution.  Nearly two years ago, I had my braces removed.  Within the last year, I've been horrible about wearing my retainer.  I'm supposed to wear it every night for the rest of my life.  Well, a few trips I took when I forgot to bring my retainer with me led to a few nights here and there when I'd forget to wear it.  Next thing you know, I hardly wear my retainer except maybe once a month and it's obvious my teeth are shifting back to being not-so-straight.  I need to wear my retainer so I don't have to wear braces a third time in my life.  (But if I do, I'm going with Invisalign!)

So there you have it.  I guess other than the first two, the rest of the resolutions could be wrapped up into one:  Start and maintain good habits and routines. 

This will be the year of small steps to great results!

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