Thursday, January 13, 2011

Argumentative people

People who just like to argue or "debate" shit get under my skin.  Especially when they're on my pub trivia quiz team.  I'll argue for/against an answer if it's something I absolutely know or absolutely know it's not.  But if I have any doubt, I'll admit to it right away.

Don't try to tell me the name of B.O.B.'s "Airplanes" is called "Wishing upon a star" when I KNOW the name of the song is called Airplanes.  Not only that, I'm fairly certain that nowhere in the lyrics does it say "wishing upon a star."  Did I argue the lyrics with this person? No. Because I wasn't certain.  Did I argue the title of the song? Yes. Because I know it. It was on my iTunes "Current Picks" playlist.  (Which is a playlist for the stuff I'm just currently feeling like listening to. Pretty self-explanatory.) 

Stick to shit you know. Don't argue a case for your guesses.

And don't say our team name is stupid a few rounds into the game.  Get to the place on time like everyone else and maybe you can contribute something worthwhile for once.

OK this rant was a bit scathing and is yet another personal one, but ranting and being a pessimistic jerk is why I started this blog.  So piss off!

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