Friday, July 8, 2011

Shared office bathroom etiquette

Haven’t had a real rant in a while, so back to the purpose of this blog! RANTS!

A law office is now occupying the space in the building next to the office where I work.  The bathrooms are shared between our office, their office and a weekly publication office.  Things seemed fine in the bathroom until the law office associates came around.

The bathroom counters are now dirty with shaved stubble, paper towels are strewn across the floor, and for some reason, they like to leave the door to the entrance propped open.  I've heard from others that several of those law associates use it as a dressing room as well, not behind closed stalls either.

I don't care if they want to use the bathroom to change or whatever, but use the handicap stall that's big enough for a dance floor and clean up after yourselves d-bags! At least wipe the stubble off the counter and at the very least rinse it down the sink. Just because there's a cleaning lady on site doesn't mean you can treat the bathroom with such disregard that you leave a mess all over the sink.  It's so disrespectful! 

And why would you move a trash can from the corner of the bathroom right into the middle of the bathroom, practically blocking one of the urinals?  Oh! And why would you throw paper towels in the urinals as well?!  That doesn't make any sense and even more disgusting and disrespectful to the cleaning lady.

It's like sharing a bathroom with frat boys, but they don't even bring in any hot chicks.

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