Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Back in 15 minutes

Where I work, there was a message posted on the intranet (from June 22nd) that said a certain process would not be working for the next five minutes.  It reminded me of the signs at some stores where they post "Be back in 15 minutes" in the windor or on the door.

If you don't mention what time you posted that sign or your intended audience isn't present to see the sign posted, your time frame is bullshit.  You could've posted that sign at 9:00 am to indicate you'd be back at 9:15.  But if I walk up to the sign at 9:13 am and see that sign, I've been misled.  You'll really be back in only two minutes.

I don't understand what's so difficult to identify concrete times. Is there some higher level of accountability implied if set times are defined?

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