Monday, March 26, 2012

Still heartbroken

It’s been about a year since I fell for someone I shouldn’t have, and put myself into a situation of continuous heartbreak.

I’m almost done with my weight loss challenge. I won’t have the frustration of having to text my trainer photos of everything I’m eating. I won’t have to worry about back to back workouts. Heck, I could even go down to five days a week at the gym if I want.

After that challenge ends, it’ll be time for a new one.  I cannot continue to let myself get hurt over and over when I could (and should!) be doing something about it. I have to let go of the hope that she’ll come around before I move on. I need to start hoping that another who deserves me will someday come into my life who will want to be with me as much as I’d want to be with her.

Actually… no.  I need to just start being happy alone. That’s what I need to work on. That’s the real challenge.

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