Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Hold on! I just got here.

I regularly work as an independent contractor for a company who has a cubicle set up for me as if it were my own desk. In that respect, coming into the office is very much like going to a regular office job everyday. I come into the building and to my desk, check logs, check emails, eat breakfast at my desk, get coffee. Basically I get situated and set my game plan for the day.

So it bothers me when I'm encountered/approached as soon as I arrive in the office before I have a chance to get to my cubicle. I understand when it's truly an emergency or urgent issue, but most of the time it's something that could've been sent in an email. It instead turns into a long and repetitious conversation resulting in an unnecessary waste of my time. Can't they see I have my breakfast in a bag getting cold when they stop me from getting to my cubicle to eat it?

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