Friday, December 10, 2010

First post!

After much procrastination, I finally started a blog! I've read many and will be the first to tell you I learned a few things here and there, but nothing about the way a blog should be written. (So please don't care about my lousy grammar skills and/or punctuation, because I don't.)

But that's okay. I'm not trying to sell anything, give advice, or show off any of my life's adventures or endeavors.

My original intent was to just have rants longer than the Twitter limit of 140 characters, hence the blog name (Rants in My Pants was already taken). And I'm a wordy mofo. I don't like to complain, but I'm good at it. Isn't everyone who's a pessimist (*ahem* realist *ahem*)?

Over time though, there will probably be more posts regarding music or generally random thoughts than rants. And along the way maybe I'll learn how to make my blog cool(er than yours).


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