Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Hollow acclaim.

It occurred to me a while ago a friend of mine desires recognition without accountability. He wants to have the greatest outcome that makes him look favorable with minimal effort.  Usually I'd say that's "working smarter, not harder."  Not this one. Bear with me; there's a history of this behavior. But my annoyance is ever-increasing, and my tolerance for it is wearing thin.

The opposite of the type-a cliches like "no guts, no glory" and "do more, suck less" came to mind as my friend told me he wanted some help with an idea—well let's call it a project—he wanted to eventually share with a mutual group of friends, but wouldn't tell me what his project was. I asked him why he was being secretive. I suspected it was because he wanted to claim full credit for his idea and gain approval that he seems to desperately need. (Again, history there.)  I don't even remember what his first response was, possibly because it could've been legitimate. His follow-up statement was that he didn't want people asking him about his project if he announced it, in case he didn't follow it through to completion. Pussy. That's the next thing that came to mind.

Now, I'm not saying I complete every goal and project I've ever started. I've had lots of ideas fall by the wayside (and have been called out on a few). But I am willing to accept responsibility for not following through. I'll take responsibility to having no other excuse than laziness or even fear of getting started. It's being honest with others and ultimately with oneself. That's part of having integrity.

It has usually bothered me when someone won't take responsibility for their actions, particularly their failures. But now I'm not sure which is worse—one not taking responsibility for their actions (or lack of action), or a person avoiding taking the initiative unless it comes with guaranteed success just to avoid accountability.

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