Thursday, December 27, 2012

Don’t be a dick

I'm mean to myself. I'm allowed to do that. And I may be harsh on some other people, including my friends and especially those who seem to get under my skin.  But don't be a straight-up dick to those who serve you.

The OC can feel like the epicenter of self-entitled, rude people. So many residents think they deserve all the riches in the world, yet seem to show hardly a lick of work or effort to get it.

Two days in a row I witnessed this rude display of self-entitlement.  Normally, maybe it wouldn't affect me as much, but since it's around the holidays it feels excessively rude.

I was in line at the Carl's Jr. drive-thru to pick up lunch. On Christmas. I had my window rolled down and could hear the lady in front of me making her order again and again because the Carl's Jr. employee didn't seem to hear it right.  The lady was getting irritated to the point where she kept cutting off the order-taker. When the order-taker told her to wait one second (it sounded like the order-taker was getting someone to assist her), the woman in the car continued to rant her order, adding phrases like "for the 10th time!" and "what's so hard to understand?"  Her order of course was completely customized and she had over-complicated the order with about 5 "no" items on a burger when she could've ordered it plain with 2 items. What killed me was that she had a sticker on her BMW saying "Winner!" of  Really?  If the criteria is to be a condescending bitch, then I can see why.

The second display of entitlement. The day after Christmas, I went to the bank to deposit a check.  A sign on the front of the door said they were not doing any cash transactions due to a vault issue. However, there were machines at the counter inside at which customers could still deposit/withdraw cash. As I was waiting in line to deposit my check, a lady had come in and was reminded by a bank associate that cash transactions could only be made through the machines today.  The lady was appalled and loudly stated she hated banks and that now she could not pay her bills for the month. When the bank associate asked the lady if she had her ATM card to make her transactions through the machine, she said yes. However, she refused to use the machine on principle; she wanted cash from a teller and wanted something to be done about it.  When you have an alternative that is just as safe and convenient, why argue about it?  Let it go, lady.

Here's an example in which I could've huffed and puffed. Today, I went to Starbucks for a coffee, using a gift card my landlord gave me as a Christmas present.  I ordered an eggnog latte.  I received a hazelnut latte.  I told the barista it was supposed to be eggnog, mainly to be sure I wasn't confusing my order with anyone else's.  She apologized and offered to make another one. Now, if I was a typical OC resident, I would've made a stink, probably made the barista feel like scum and demanded a Venti instead of the Grande I had ordered.  Instead, I told her not to worry about it, that it was ordered from a gift card so it's not a loss to my wallet, and I like hazelnut anyway. Another barista apologized as well and handed me a voucher for a free beverage for the next time I go there.  See?  Be nice and nice things happen. I forget that far too often. Hopefully, I can be of holiday cheer year-round.

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