Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Someone said something very nice about me.

I’m feeling pretty low lately about stuff. No details. That’s all you get.

So, I’m pasting a Facebook post that a fellow gym member wrote about me the day before I won my weight loss challenge to make myself feel better. I was extremely honored that someone thought this of me, even more so that he took the time to write it out and post for his friends (and mine) to see. The comments that followed from other members at my gym as well as friends were touching as well, but I’ve left those out.

I was inspired by Darrin S today. Were you?

by Michael on Friday, April 27, 2012 at 6:47pm ·

Do you know how far 1000 meters is? It's 0.62 miles. Do you know what a "burpee bound" is, in Crossfit terms? Together, they are done in 6 steps:

  1. Begin in a standing position.
  2. Drop into a squat position with your hands on the ground.
  3. Extend your feet back in one quick motion and put your chest on the ground (bottom of a push up).
  4. Return to the squat position in one quick motion.
  5. Return to an upright standing position.
  6. Jump forward with both feet together as far as you can. Repeat...

Do you know who Darrin is? He is a member of the same Crossfit gym as myself. He started a weight loss bet with the owner, and they dubbed it "70 lbs in 7 months". His final weigh in is tomorrow, so I should start this off by saying, GOOD LUCK DARRIN!

I came into the gym today a little sluggish. Monday and Wednesday were pretty hard WOD's (Workout of the Day), and I didn't feel like getting up this morning. I noticed Darrin was missing. Usually I see him, and ask how his morning went. He would sometimes say "I rowed for an hour" or, "I did 2 WOD's", or something crazy of that nature. I have heard the other trainers say that he was "a machine", and "such an inspiration". I got to witness this first hand today.

Do you remember what burpee bounds and what 1000 meters were? Well he did those, that far! No running, jogging, walking, or steps of any kind. His body hits the floor, he springs back up, and jumps for 0.62 miles over and over and over until he's done.

I have been inspired by people on TV, and the things poeple have accomplished in the face of adversity. Sure, inspiration is all around us. BUT, it's different when you are watching someone accomplish something right in front of your eyes, with a  look of dedication. When you see it live and in person, the effect is different. He made everything I had to do that day, look easy. Darrin had dirt and gutter water on his clothes, his cheeks were dirty from resting at the bottom, and he still had the ability to laugh at Aaron's donut jokes on the final stretch. He looked like a homeless person after a storm. It was truly an inspiration to watch Darrin accomplish this amazing feat on his last day before weigh in.

I don't know him all that well, but for the 10 mintues I spent watching him finish, he reminded me what hard work and dedication really is. We will be there tomorrow to see his final weigh in, and whether or not he makes his goal number, he has still won. 

If ANYONE at the gym reads the board and sighs at the day's WOD, think of Darrin. It should remind you of how much of a (p)wussy you are.

Thanks for the inspiration Darrin.

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