Wednesday, May 2, 2012


I don't have actual ADHD; I have what I think is more like Attention Deficit Hoarding Disorder. I keep collecting, recording, downloading, eating, and collecting even more. Of everything. Books, video games, recipes, Blu-rays, Tivo'd shows, magazines, junk, junk, junk. 

I have a bookcase full of books. I've probably only read 10% of them. More like 5%. I have video games that haven't been unwrapped since I bought them over 2 years ago.  Movies that I've purchased and haven't watched since buying them. The list goes on.

In fact, I even have a to-do list that grows everyday more and more as tasks get accomplished less and less.  I waste so much time doing nothing that nothing I want to do is getting done.  I'm not learning, I'm not progressing, I'm not sharpening any skills, wit, ANYTHING.  The greatest (and possibly the only worthwhile) accomplishment I've done is winning my weight loss challenge (which needs a post of its own that I keep putting off as well).

It's not that I don't have time for doing/reading/watching these things; I'm not making time. If I would only put as much focus into improving myself overall as I did with working out, I'd... well, I'd probably lose quite a few friends actually... but maybe I'd finally have success in some other areas of my life.

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