Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Tech support woe

Sometimes a person can have just enough IT knowledge to seem like he knows what he's talking about until you finally realize a key component of the problem was left out of the conversation.

Today’s example: The concern reported at first was, "My printer was working fine yesterday but isn't working today." (That should’ve been a clue right away this person doesn’t have IT knowledge. That’s never enough info to start with.)  Then they went into details of the troubleshooting steps, whether or not it's connected to the network, if it's pulling an IP address--all the things that make it sound like this printer should still be working. But one very key thing they've left out: It's not even the same printer, nor the same model printer that the software is configured to utilize. When I asked, as I usually initially do, if anything changed since yesterday, that might have been a good opportunity for the person to tell me that instead of “nothing I can think of.” Ugh.

Communication! Communication! communication!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Still heartbroken

It’s been about a year since I fell for someone I shouldn’t have, and put myself into a situation of continuous heartbreak.

I’m almost done with my weight loss challenge. I won’t have the frustration of having to text my trainer photos of everything I’m eating. I won’t have to worry about back to back workouts. Heck, I could even go down to five days a week at the gym if I want.

After that challenge ends, it’ll be time for a new one.  I cannot continue to let myself get hurt over and over when I could (and should!) be doing something about it. I have to let go of the hope that she’ll come around before I move on. I need to start hoping that another who deserves me will someday come into my life who will want to be with me as much as I’d want to be with her.

Actually… no.  I need to just start being happy alone. That’s what I need to work on. That’s the real challenge.