Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Taking a step

One of my resolutions for this year was to read more books.  I just took a step that will hopefully force (uh, motivate?) me to do so.  I reduced my Netflix subscription from 3 DVDs at a time to 1 at a time, with unlimited streaming of course.  Most of what's available to stream is pretty crappy so I'll pretty much be watching one good movie per week, not including any theater visits.  Considering some of my friends live and die on TV, movies, and pop culture references, this may alienate me a little bit from some conversations.  I don't care.  When I make an honest evaluation of TV, it's a time sink and a brainsuck to spend time watching it alone.  I'm not a hypocrite.  I've enjoy watching TV shows and movies.  It's a great escape from reality 20 to 40 minutes at a time, but I'm also very aware by the evidence of clutter around me that I'm not accomplishing anything of value while watching it either.  It takes me longer to process information.  I'm not a quick reader.  I to devote more to reading.  And that means less time viewing.

Over the past few weeks, I've also been cutting the number of movies down in my Netflix queue.  It was maxed out at 500 for such a long time, I had all extra movies I wanted to watch "eventually" saved in a Google Notebook list.  My pack-rat nature had taken over. It started to feel like an overwhelming to-do list rather than a list of movies I truly wanted to watch and enjoy.  By cutting down the list, I think I've brought it to where, psychologically, I don't feel I have to get through a movie or two every day to stay ahead of my ever-growing queue.

I didn't put much thought into this post. Obviously not a rant.  Just a blurb.  Time to read a chapter or two.

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